How-To Geek

James Walker-

James Walker

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Photo of the internals of hard drives
How to Increase a KVM Virtual Machine's Disk Size

KVM is a popular virtualization technology built into the Linux kernel. In this guide you'll learn how to resize the virtual disks that store your VM data, letting you increase capacity before you run out of space.

Graphic showing the Kubernetes logo overlaid on colorful hexagonal shapes
Should You Run Stateful Applications In Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is often approached from the perspective of stateless systems.

Docker logo
How to Install and Get Started With Docker Desktop on Linux

Docker Desktop now works on Linux, as well as Windows and Mac. In this guide you'll see how to set it up and the ways in which it differs from Docker Engine.

Graphic showing the Grafana logo
How to Set Up a Simple Grafana Cloud Monitoring Dashboard for Your Linux Server

Grafana is an open-source observability platform for creating dashboards that visualize datasets.

Kubernetes logo
How to Resize a Kubernetes StatefulSet's Volumes

Kubernetes StatefulSets don't provide a way of resizing the volumes claimed by your Pods. In this article you'll learn a manual workaround that lets you add extra storage capacity to existing StatefulSets.

Graphic illustration showing data stream flowing out of a cloud symbol
What Is SRE? How Does It Relate to DevOps?

SRE stands for Site Reliability Engineering.

Graphic with the Kubernetes logo
What Are Kubernetes StatefulSets? When Should You Use Them?

StatefulSets let you run stateful applications in Kubernetes. They give Pods a stable identity and consistent ordering during scaling operations. In this article you'll learn what StatefulSets are and the scenarios that they solve.

Graphic showing the Docker logo
How to Store Docker Images and Containers on an External Drive

Docker images, volumes, and containers can consume a large amount of disk space on a busy host. In this tutorial you'll learn how to move your Docker data directory to utilize spare capacity on an external drive.

Illustration showing a cloud icon with paths spanning out from it
SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS: What's the Difference and Which Should You Use?

SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS are three common terms that describe different kinds of service-based computing.

Kubernetes logo
How to Access Your Kubernetes Cluster's API From Within Your Pods

The Kubernetes API is your route to inspecting and managing your cluster's operations.

Kubernetes logo
How to Get Started With Kubernetes RBAC

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a mechanism for defining the actions that user accounts can perform within your Kubernetes cluster.

Photo of a woman looking at illustrations of various graphs and charts
What are DORA Metrics and How Do They Inform DevOps Success?

The DORA metrics are four key measurements that help team leaders to understand the effectiveness of their DevOps working practices.

Photo of ethernet cables in a network switch
The 7 OSI Networking Layers Explained

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) networking model defines a conceptual framework for communications between computer systems.

Photo showing an infinity symbol representing software development processes
5 Pain Points That Limit CI/CD Pipeline Success

Continuous integration and delivery pipelines (CI/CD) automate software development processes by running tests and compilations each time you change your code.

Graphic with the Kubernetes logo
How to Access a Remote Kubernetes Application With Kubectl Port Forwarding

Need to debug an application running inside your Kubernetes cluster? Port forwarding is a way to connect to Pods that aren't publicly accessible.
How to Generate an SBOM With Microsoft's Open-Source Tool

An SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) helps you understand your software supply chain by listing the packages and vendors that your code relies upon.

Kubernetes logo
What Microsoft's ES Type Syntax Proposal Means For JavaScript

JavaScript could soon have its own type syntax if a proposal submitted by Microsoft and other developers earlier this year becomes a part of the ECMAScript standard.

Graphic with the Kubernetes logo
How to Start a Kubernetes Cluster From Scratch With Kubeadm and Kubectl

Kubernetes can seem daunting but setting up your own cluster from scratch isn't as hard it seems. In this guide you'll use Kubeadm to start the Kubernetes control plane and add your worker nodes.

Lazydocker's logo
How to Manage Docker From Your Terminal With the Lazydocker TUI

Lazydocker is a terminal UI for Docker. It lets you quickly monitor and interact with the containers, images, and volumes running on your host, as well as offering support for Docker Compose stacks. Here's how to install it and get started.

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