How-To Geek

James Walker-

James Walker

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5 Cloud Architecture Mistakes We Shouldn't Still Be Making

Adoption of cloud computing has grown rapidly over the past few years.

How to Automate Docker Security Audits with Docker Bench for Security

Docker's convenient, but it can be a security risk, too.

What Is "GitOps" and Why Does It Matter?

GitOps is an approach to infrastructure that takes the best practices of software development and applies them to IT systems.

How to Host Your Own Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) with Dokku

Dokku is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) implementation, which you can self-host on your own hardware.

Kubernetes: ClusterIP, NodePort, or Ingress? When to Use Each

Kubernetes supports several ways of getting external traffic into your cluster.

How to Use Docker Scan to Find Vulnerabilities in Your Images

Docker now ships with built-in security scanning support.

The Difference Between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in Docker Images

The CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions are two commonly confused Dockerfile directives.

How to Clean Up Old Containers and Images in Your Kubernetes Cluster

An active Kubernetes cluster can accumulate old containers and images.

How Event Sourcing Helps You Track Your Application's State

Event sourcing is a software architecture where changes to the application's state are captured as a series of perpetually stored "events.

How Linux Runlevels Affect Running Services

Linux runlevels distinguish between system operating states.

How and Why to Use A Remote Docker Host

The docker CLI program is independent of the Docker daemon which runs your containers.

How to Run MySQL In A Docker Container

Docker containers let you quickly spin up new applications without polluting your system with dependencies.

How to Install Docker and Docker Compose on Linux

Docker gives you everything you need to build and run containers on your Linux system.

What Is Google FLoC and How Does It Affect Privacy?

Google's FLoC initiative has prompted a lot of discussion and no small measure of controversy.

How to Self Host Your Website Analytics With Plausible

Plausible is an open-source alternative to Google Analytics.

How to Monitor Docker Container Logs

Docker automatically aggregates container standard output and error streams (stdout/stderr) into log feeds which are retained by the Docker daemon.

Understanding Docker's "latest" Tag

Docker tags are used to identify images by name.

How to Use Docker Restart Policies to Keep Containers Running

Docker gives you several options to manage your container's lifecycle.

How to Use GitLab to Share Private ESLint Rules With Your Team

ESLint statically analyses JavaScript to identify issues before the code is run.

How to Assess Docker Engine Security

Docker lets software developers and DevOps engineers rapidly package applications for production.

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