How-To Geek

James Walker-

James Walker

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How to Security Scan Docker Images With Anchore

Anchore Engine is an open-source scanning tool that assesses the security of your Docker images.

How Docker Image Signing Will Evolve With Notary v2

Signed Docker images enhance ecosystem trust and security by letting users check the images they download really originate from you.

How to Use Dockerfile ONBUILD to Run Triggers on Downstream Builds

Docker's ONBUILD instruction lets you set up triggers within an image.

DKIM, DMARC, and SPF: Setting Up Email Security

DKIM, DMARC, and SPF are the three main mechanisms maintaining the security of emails.

What's New in PHPStan 1.0?

PHPStan gained a milestone release at the start of November 2021 with new features, extra rules, and many performance optimizations.

Fixing React's "Called SetState() on an Unmounted Component" Errors

Seeing Called setState() on an Unmounted Component in your console is one of the most frequent issues faced by newcomers to React.

How to Harden Docker Images For Maximum Security

There are many factors that contribute towards your Docker security posture but using hardened images is one of the best steps you can take to protect yourself.

How to View Kubernetes Pod Logs With Kubectl

Viewing Pod logs is often the first step in diagnosing a problem with your cluster's workloads.

How to Scan for Kubernetes Vulnerabilities With Kubescape

Kubescape is a new open-source tool from ARMO which lets you automate Kubernetes cluster scans to identify security issues.

How to Scan QR Codes in Web Browsers With Web Workers and jsQR

QR codes have become much more popular in recent years.

How to Add HTTP Basic Authentication to a Kubernetes NGINX Ingress

NGINX Ingress is a popular Kubernetes ingress controller for routing traffic into your cluster.

How to Use ConfigMaps For Kubernetes Configuration

A ConfigMap is a Kubernetes resource for injecting configuration into your containers.

7 Docker Anti-Patterns You Need to Avoid

Docker has transformed software development with its simple model of containerization that lets you rapidly package workloads into reproducible units.

How to Create Your Own Docker Base Images From "Scratch"

Docker images are created from a Dockerfile that defines a base image and a series of instructions that add your own filesystem layers.

How to Configure mod_evasive for Apache DDoS Protection

mod_evasive is an Apache module which helps defend your server against brute force and denial of service attacks.

What Are Docker Labels and When Should You Use Them?

Docker labels let you attach arbitrary metadata to your containers, images, volumes, and other resources.

How to Detach From a Docker Container Without Stopping It

Docker containers have an interactive mode that lets you attach your terminal's input and output streams to the container's process.

Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm: Which Should You Use?

Kubernetes and Docker's Swarm mode are two container orchestration tools that let you scale workload replicas across multiple physical machines.

How to Set an Expiration Policy on DigitalOcean Spaces Buckets

The DigitalOcean Spaces web interface doesn't provide a way to set bucket lifecycle policies.

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