How-To Geek

Harry Guinness-

Harry Guinness

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About Harry Guinness

Harry Guinness writes occasionally when he’s not busy skiing, sailing, partying, lifting weights, or otherwise dodging responsibility. His main areas of interest are himself, gin, and crazy people with interesting stories to tell. When people won’t pay him to write ill-thought-out opinion pieces, he covers photography, technology, and culture. You can follow him on Twitter.

Latest Articles

How to Take Photos in Public Places Respectfully

Photography is starting to cause a problem.

What Shutter Speed Should I Use With My Camera?

Shutter speed is one of the three most important settings for your camera—the other two being aperture and ISO.

What Is Noise Reduction in Digital Images?

"Beautygate," the latest iPhone -gate that can make images of people seem too smoothed out, is a result of two things: the new Smart HDR feature and aggressive noise reduction.

How to Take a Selfie Safely (Without Falling Off a Cliff or Being Hit by a Car)

More and more people are dying taking selfies.

What is "Exposing to the Right" in Photography and Why You Should Do It

"Exposing to the Right" or ETTR is the idea that you should deliberately overexpose your images---or shoot to the right of the histogram---because of the technical way that a digital image sensor records data.

Should You Switch to a Mirrorless Camera?

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What is a Monopod and When Should I Use One?

Monopods are one-legged tripods (mono = one; tri = three).

What Does "Edited for Content" Mean on Airplane Movies?

If you’ve ever watched a movie on a plane, you’ve probably seen a message like “This movie has been edited for content” pop up before it played.

How to Safely Format SD Cards For Your Camera

A corrupt SD card is a digital photographer’s worst nightmare.

Why Does My Phone Get Hot?

If you've had your phone for more than a few days, you've probably noticed that occasionally it gets hot when you're using it.

What is DSLR Crop Factor (And Why Should I Care)

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How to Take Sports Photos Without a Telephoto Lens

Sports photographers love telephoto lenses because they let you get close up views of your subject without having to be physically close to them.

What Does the Weird Circle/Line Symbol on Your Camera Mean?

If you’ve looked closely at your camera, you’ve probably noticed a strange circle/line symbol somewhere on it (you can see it above).

How to Move to a Full Frame Camera

There are two main camera sensor standards: full frame (or 35mm) and crop sensor (or APS-C).

What is a Rangefinder Camera?

If you’ve spent any time reading about photography, you’ve probably come across reverential mentions of Leica cameras and other “rangefinders” used by a lot of great street photographers like Henri Cartier-Bresson in the mid-20th century.

What Focal Length Should I Use For My Photos?

More than anything, focal length determines how your images look.

How to Manually Focus Your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera

Autofocus doesn’t always work as well as you’d hope.

When You Shouldn't Use Photoshop

Here at How-To Geek, we're big fans of Photoshop, but there are times when it's not the right app for the job.

How to Recover Your Images from Your Lightroom Preview Files

RAW image files are huge so Adobe Lightroom saves preview JPEG files to speed things up.

Should You Buy Crop Sensor Specific Camera Lenses?

Digital cameras have two primary sensor formats: full frame (or 35mm) cameras where the sensor is roughly the same size as a 35mm film frame and crop sensor (or APS-C) cameras where the sensor is just under 2/3 the size.

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