Do you like having the Progress Bar to monitor webpage loading but prefer to keep the Status Bar hidden? Now you can easily move the Progress Bar to your tabs with the Tab Progress Bar extension.


Here is the "Progress Bar" showing in the "Status Bar" while a webpage is loading...nice if you like having the "Status Bar" displayed. But what if you prefer to have the "Status Bar" hidden?


Once you have installed the extension, the "Progress Bar" will display on any tabs that are currently loading leaving you free to completely hide the "Status Bar" if you desire.

Note: There are no options to have to worry with for this extension...just install and go.



If you are looking for a way to move Status Bar functionality to your tabs, then the Tab Progress Bar extension will make a nice addition to your Firefox Browser. If you want to hide the Status Bar until you need it, check out our article on how to Auto-Hide the Status Bar in Firefox.


Download the Tab Progress Bar extension (Mozilla Add-ons)