Windows 7 Media Center include an Optimization feature that will optimize media to work with WMC. The process can take a long time if you have a large library and here we look at how to schedule it to occur while you're sleeping.

Windows 7 Media Center Optimization

Optimization is an included feature that will organize your media files to work more fluidly with Media Center. It performs optimization tasks like re-indexing your media for faster retrieval of your media. It also restarts the Media Center services to clean up errors. To access the Optimization feature, launch WMC and from the main menu navigate to Tasks then Settings. From there choose General settings.


Now under the General settings select Optimization.


Check the box next to Perform Optimization, select a time for it to take place, and save your settings. Note: You want to make sure you schedule it for a time when you're not using it because you won't be able to use WMC or any Extenders while the optimization process completes.


While you're at it, you might want to schedule updates for Media Center as well.


If you're a Windows 7 Media Center enthusiast and use it a lot, scheduling Optimization will help it access your media faster, improve stability, and improve overall performance. For more - check out The How-To Geek Guide on Windows 7 Media Center