Do you read a high amount of content each day on the web but get tired of manually scrolling through everything? Now you can set up relaxed pace auto-scrolling in Firefox with the ScrollyFox extension. Note: You may occasionally encounter a website where the extension will not work. This may be due to the particular website’s coding. Using ScrollyFox Once you have the extension installed you may want to have a quick look at the preferences. The default scroll speed is set at “50” and the reverse scrolling setting is enabled. You can easily adjust the settings for speed to suit your needs. Note: For our examples we left the reverse scrolling setting enabled. By default the extension is disabled at first and the status bar button will have a faded coloration.


You can see what the button looks like once activated…notice the small arrow type buttons on the right side.


In our first example you can see the webpage auto-scrolling in a downward direction.


Having reached the bottom it automatically started scrolling back towards the top.


Visiting the How-To Geek website you can see that the extension was already working as the page was finishing loading.


Going up!


Conclusion While this extension may not be for everyone, it can be useful for those who have heavy reading and/or very long articles to read. Links Download the ScrollyFox extension (Mozilla Add-ons)