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The simplest way to find your local IP address is to open a Terminal window, type in  "hostname -I" and press Enter. The easiest way to find your public IP address is to search "What Is My IP? in any search engine.

Your PC will typically have at least two IP addresses: your public IP address and your private IP address. But how do you know what they are? Here are a few ways to find each on Linux.

What is an IP Address?

Your IP address is a numerical string that allows other computers (including networking devices) to uniquely identify your computer. Your computer can have multiple different IPs that allow it to be identified on different networks. In most cases, you'll have two IPs: Your local IP, which identifies you to your modem, router, and other devices on your home network, and your public IP, which identifies your computer to the entire Internet. Your local IP address is sometimes referred to as your private or internal IP, while your public IP is sometimes also called your external IP address.

There are plenty of reasons you might need to know either address, and there are a multiple ways to determine your local or public IP address on Linux. Most of them involve using the Terminal. We've listed a few different options here, plus a GUI option, if that is more to your liking.

You'll probably see both an IPv4 and IPv6 address, but if you don't, it shouldn't be a problem. You can typically use either.

Related: What Is IPv6, and Why Does It Matter?

Find Your Local IP Address on Linux with the User Interface

If you're running a version of Linux that has a user interface (UI), it may be faster to get your IP using the user interface. Here is how you do it on a few popular versions of Linux.

Lots of Linux distributions, including Ubuntu and Fedora, use the GNOME desktop environment. As a result, they tend to be extremely similar. There might be minor differences from customizations made for that specific distro.

Find Your Local IP on Ubuntu

To find your local IP on Linux using the UI, click on the network icon in the top right corner, then select the gear icon.

Click the network icon, then click the gear icon.

Click the gear icon next to your network. In this case, it is a wired network. If you're connecting wirelessly, you will see something indicating that instead.

Click the gear icon next to your Internet connection.

The connection settings page displays both your local IPv4 and IPv6 address.

Your IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses displayed.

Find Your Local IP on Linux Mint

Linux Mint places the network icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Click it, then select "Network Settings" from the listed options.

Click the network icon in the bottom right corner near the clock, then click "Network Settings."

The Network Settings window displays everything you might want to know about your connection, including your IPv4 and IPv6 local IP addresses.

Your IPv4 and IPv6 settings on Linux Mint.

Find Your Local IP on Fedora

Fedora's UI is extremely similar to Ubuntu's UI --- almost identical. Click the network icon in the upper right corner of the screen, then click the gear icon.

Click the network icon in the top right corner, then select the gear icon.

Make sure that the "Network" tab is selected, then click on the new gear icon.

Make sure you're on the "Network" tab, then click the gear icon next to your Internet connection.

Your IPv4 and IPv6 addresses will be listed right in the middle of the screen.

Your IPv4 and IPv6 addresses displayed on Fedora.

Find Your Local IP Address with the Terminal

Linux has more ways to find your local IP address via the command-line interface (CLI) than you can shake a stick at. We've covered a few popular and useful ones here, but this is by no means an exhaustive list.

All of these examples were captured in Ubuntu's Terminal, but they'll work on almost any Linux distro you can find, and every single one of the common distros.

Now, before you start, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

  1. Many computers will have multiple network adapters, including an ethernet adapter (usually named ETH0 or similar), a wireless adapter (WLAN0), and a loopback "adapter" (often named lo). You should ignore the loopback adapter result.
  2. Ignore /24 and /64 at the ends of the IP addresses you find. They're related to subnets, but they're not necessary if you just need an IP address.

This article used virtual machines, so our adapters are not named ETH0 or WLAN0.

Using the IP Addr Command

Fire up the Terminal, then enter the following command into the CLI:

ip addr

You'll probably see a large wall of text that might be somewhat inscrutable. You're looking for two entries, one named inet and the other named inet6. The first is your IPv4 address, and the second one is your IPv6 address.

The output of the ip addr command.

Find your Local IP with ifconfig

Ifconfig is a part of the net-tools package. It doesn't ship with Ubuntu by default and may not come with your distro either. To install it on Ubuntu, Linux Mint, or any other Debian distro, install net-tools by running the following in the Terminal:

sudo apt install net-tools

On Fedora, run:

sudo dnf install net-tools

It'll take a little bit to install (maybe a minute or two, depending on your Internet speed), and then we're ready to go. In the same Terminal window, type:


Like with ip addr, you'll be sifting through a ton of extraneous data. Here is what we got, with the desired results highlighted. Once again, inet is your IPv4 address, and inet6 is the IPv6 address.

The output of the ifconfig command.

Find Your Private IP with the Hostname Command

The hostname command is the most no-nonsense option on this list. Open up the Terminal, then enter:

hostname -I

It is essential that the "i" is capitalized. 

You'll be given a single line with your IP address displayed.

The output of the hostname -I command.

Find Your Public IP Address on Linux

There are a handful of ways to find your public IP address. Some of them are handy if you want to write a script, whereas others are simpler and ideal if you literally just need an IP address. There are other options that can use curl or wget to get your public IP address, but we're going to stick with commands that only rely on Google, Microsoft, or OpenDNS.

Related: How to Get Your Public IP in a Linux Bash Script

Find your Public IP Address with Your Browser

The most straightforward way to get your IP is to open your browser and search "What is my IP" in the search engine of your choice. Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo (which is powered by Bing), and most every other search engine out there will display it at the top of the results.

An IP address after searching "What is my ip?" on Google.

That only works if you're running a Linux distro with a user interface, though. If you're running headless (without a UI), you'll need something that runs using a command-line interface.

Find Public IP Address with host

The host command is typically used for simple DNS lookups. For example, entering the following into the Terminal:

host www.howtogeek.com

Yields the IP addresses associated with the How-to Geek website.

However, it can also be used to reveal your own external IP address with the right arguments. We're using the OpenDNS website for this example, but you could make something similar work with Google if you wanted to. Enter:

host myip.opendns.com resolver1.opendns.com

The first few lines tell you about the OpenDNS site itself. The last line is the one we really care about. It shows your IP address. We've obfuscated our IP with a green block, but it did return the correct address.

The result of using the OpenDNS website with the host command to recover your public IP.

Find Public IP with dig

The Domain Interface Groper (dig) command works very similarly to the host command but can take more arguments to customize your output. We're once again leaning on OpenDNS to provide our external IP address.

The dig command will probably be installed by default. If it isn't, install the "bind-tools" package to get it.

In the Terminal (or command line), run:

dig @resolver1.opendns.com myip.opendns.com +short

The results of the dig command, again using OpenDNS website, to find your public IP.

Related: How to Use the dig Command on Linux

Once you have your IP address, you can do whatever you want with it. Both your internal and external IPs are important if you're trying to self-host something, since your internal IP is required for port forwarding and your external IP is needed for someone to connect to your server. If that is what you're doing, just make sure you take the appropriate security precautions and read up on how to make accessing your home network remotely a lot easier.