Quick Links

This page will explain how you can use ISO image files in Linux.

Prerequisite Module

You'll have to make sure that the loop module is loaded before you can use this feature.

sudo modprobe loop

Mount a CD ISO Image

We'll use the regular mount command to mount the ISO image into a folder, just like you would do with a regular drive. The difference is that we pass the -o loop command to specify the loop module, which can handle ISO images.

sudo mount filename.iso /media/iso -t iso9660 -o loop

Of course you should make sure that you have created the /media/iso folder ahead of time.

Mount a DVD ISO Image

When mounting ISO images of DVDs, you might have to use the UDF type instead of ISO.

sudo mount filename.iso /media/iso -t udf -o loop

Mount an ISO Image in Gnome

todo: Explain how to use the gnome scripts to mount images.

Open an ISO Image Without Mounting

todo: Explain how you'll be able to open the file without actually mounting it.